They are today at the top of the list of the major food allergens.
They are not quite adapted to human and are hard to digest. Indeed, to digest sugars from the milk (lactose), we need a specific enzyme: the lactase which decreases very rapidly from birth and becomes inexistent from 4 to 6 years old. This enzyme is absent in most of the african and asian populations from birth. These same populations are sometime not affected or significantly less affected by osteoporosis than European populations.
When this enzyme is absent from a population, an intolerance tends to develop, leading to potential inconveniences such as: digestion issues, repeated ENT infections. It is also well known that phosphorus blocks calcium absorption, and milk is richer in phosphorus than calcium. If lactose is absorbed it can be found under the form of lactitol in the eye area and will potentially lead to cataract. It is also why people with diabetes who absorb lactose have vision problems. Taking calcium is not enough, it is about absorbing it!
You will easily understand that the genetic message of the dairy products is not adapted to human: hormones and other growth factors allow veals, kids and lambs to gain several hundreds of kgs very rapidly. These informations are capable of interfering with the well balanced growth of children. Since 1950, french population has gained 10 cm and 10 kg in average.
Regarding the fat contained in milk, it is made of saturated fatty acids which challenge our hepatobiliary system by elevating our “bad cholesterol” levels. Milk also contain foreign proteins difficult to absorb since they are made of gigantic molecules which our digestive system has troubles to break down. This excessive richness leads to a progressive acidification of the body which will need to be eliminated by the kidneys resulting in calcium loss which weakens the bones on the long term.
Despite its pure white, innocent, and creamy exterior, does milk have a much darker side?
The recommended calcium intake is estimated to be 900 mg per day for an adult and 1200 mg per day for a senior.
We can find it in different almond nuts, dry fruits, legumes, Green leafy vegetables, sardines and several mineral waters.
To conclude on a topic which is often controversial, I suggest to stimulate your curiosity when promotion becomes prescription !